
Fall Is Here! How to Decorate Your Apartment for the New Season
September 27, 2019
Cozy sweater season is finally upon us, and it’s not just your wardrobe that deserves a makeover. Your apartment should be ready for autumn, too! If you need some seasonal design inspiration, here are a few decor tips for fall. Toss up some twinkle lights. What could be simpler than stringing up a few strands of light? Twinkle lights instantly create…

Lace Up Your Sneakers for the Annapolis Run for The Light House
September 11, 2019
The Annapolis Run for The Light House isn’t strictly for seasoned athletes. It actually consists of three options for folks of varying fitness levels and preferences, from the 1.25-mile “Donut Dash” to the 13.1-mile half marathon. The 5K Jogging Joe Shafran Memorial Run lands somewhere in the middle. If you’re interested in a leisurely stroll, sign up for the Donut Dash ($25)…